Welcome to Todd Energy's June update

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Todd Energy Community Focus
Rural Support event

(L to R): David Riley, Marcia Paurini (Taranaki Rural Support Trust Co-ordinator), Dr Angela McGregor, Kane Briscoe, Amanda Jordan (Taranaki Rural Support Trust Chairperson), Matt Chisholm and Rachel Broadmore.

Kia ora koutou,

Welcome to the June issue of our Todd Energy Community Focus digital newsletter. We hope this update finds you and your families well as we head into the winter months. 

In early April, we successfully delivered our full Kapuni Plant maintenance shutdown safely, on schedule and on budget. At the height of the shutdown, we had 230 people who together completed 18,000 hours over the 11-day shutdown period. Thank you to our local community for their patience during what was a period of heightened activity and traffic around our south Taranaki plant.

In May, our Todd Energy-owned Big Ben drilling rig and our Coiled Tubing unit successfully completed some third-party geothermal drilling and well abandonment operations in the central North Island. Not only was this activity a useful opportunity to support the wider New Zealand energy industry, it will also be helpful for ensuring the Todd Energy team is well-placed to commence our Mangahewa D drilling programme in early 2025.

Late last month, we published Todd's latest Sustainable Development Report. The report is Todd's third publicly available Sustainable Development Report and covers the 2023 year for Todd’s key operating businesses including Todd Energy, Nova Energy, and Todd’s corporate offices. You can read about our progress on sustainability, including some of Todd Energy's 2023 highlights, in the Report, which is available on our Todd Energy website.

Many of you will likely have seen the significant media coverage over the last month or so regarding the current state of New Zealand's energy industry, including the Government's concerns regarding the material decline in natural gas production. At Todd Energy, we have been talking about ‘regulatory uncertainty’ and the way it has constrained the levels of investment required to ensure security of supply since 2022. It is clear that Todd Energy has a critical role to play in Energising New Zealand, and we will continue to do all we can to keep the lights on, providing heat and fuel for critical New Zealand industries through the safe, reliable production of our natural gas.

With that, we hope you enjoy reading about the things we've been up to below and, for those who are able to, we look forward to hosting you at our Tikorangi Open Community meeting which is taking place on Thursday, 25 July at the Manukorihi Golf Club.

In the interim, if you have any questions or concerns about our activities, please contact the Community team on 0800 001 007.

Ngā mihi, 

Everett Park montage


Many hands make light work at Everett Park

In mid-May, Todd Energy joined forces with Pukerangiora Hapū, Tree Machine, the Department of Conservation (DOC), the East Taranaki Environmental Collective (ETEC), and tamariki from both Huirangi and Kaimata Schools to plant natives at Everett Park Scenic Reserve in north Taranaki. 

Our fourth planting session at Everett Park over the last seven years, this was a genuinely collaborative effort and a fantastic day of community mahi – with the freshly planted results speaking for themselves!

Everett Park planting
Kapa haka uniforms


New kapa haka uniforms for Te Aiotanga o Houkura

Members of Todd Energy's waiata rōpū (group) recently took part in a mihi whākatau to celebrate the signing of a partnership agreement with Te Aiotanga o Houkura, to help provide some funding for new kapa haka uniforms. 

The rōpū had been practising weekly and came together to sing well-known waiata, He Honore, to tautoko (support) David Riley's whaikorero. 

The whānau of Te Aiotanga o Houkura were deeply appreciative of Todd Energy's support:

"We, the whānau of Te Aiotanga o Houkura would like to extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and acknowledgement for the mihi whākatau that was extended to us by the Todd Energy Team. The warm hospitable welcome and beautiful waiata sung by the whānau has left a lasting impression on our hearts. 

We are also grateful for the sponsorship that Todd Energy kindly agreed to provide for the next two years. It is support that we welcome humbly and receive with the generous spirit in which it was given."

Te Aiotanga o Houkura are performing at the Puke Ariki Landing on Friday, 28 June as part of this year's Festival of Lights.



One life, one hour, once a week

Did you know that mentored boys are two times more likely to believe school is fun and doing well academically is important? 

Or that girls with a Big Sister are four times less likely to bully, fight, lie, cheat, or lose their temper than girls without a mentor?

Todd Energy is a long-standing supporter and the principal sponsor of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Taranaki. Recently, through our naming rights sponsorship of the Todd Energy Aquatic Centre, we were able to gift BBBS Taranaki 100 free child entries, to be distributed among the wider BBBS Taranaki whānau. 

We also recently attended a BBBS Taranaki sponsor appreciation evening, which was hosted by Tasman Toyota and featured guest speakers, Mike Sandle and Jimmy Fastier, from the Taranaki Rugby Football Union. It was a fantastic opportunity to come together with all those Taranaki organisations who believe in 'igniting youth potential in Taranaki'.

If you're interested in finding out more about Big Brothers Big Sisters and the amazing mahi it does in our community, please visit the BBBS Taranaki website.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Taranaki
Tika participants


Ongoing training and development for Tika

For south Taranaki catering enterprise Tika, being part of the local community and creating meaningful employment opportunities is what matters most. 

The whānau-owned business has three components: Tika Catering, Tika Café and Tika Restaurant - it's also part of the Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches programme, and delivers nutritious and appetising lunches to hundreds of south Taranaki tamariki each week. 

Todd Energy has recently entered into a two-year partnership with Tika, with funding used to enable ongoing training and development of Tika's workforce, including Level 2 and Level 3 catering and hospitality qualifications.

The focussed qualifications, delivered by Taranaki vocational and tertiary education provider Brittains and completed through 'on the job' training and assessment, will assist Tika’s workforce to further develop their staff in best-practice and current professional procedures. Not only will this enable Tika to build a qualified, confident workforce well placed to enter the wider food and hospitality industry in the future, but these valuable skills and formal qualifications will stay with training participants for life. 

You can find out more about Tika Restaurant, Café and Catering by visiting their website.

Tika Restaurant, Café and Catering
Rural Support Trust


Resilient, prosperous rural Taranaki communities

Todd Energy is pleased to announce its new two-year partnership with Taranaki Rural Support Trust, whose vision is to help ensure there are resilient, prosperous and healthy rural communities right across our region.

In late May, the Trust brought mental health advocate Matt Chisholm to Tikorangi to host its Time Out Tour, designed to help rural people start the important conversation about mental health and wellbeing.

Matt was joined by local rural health champions Dr Angela McGregor, Kane Briscoe and Kenzie Bellringer who spoke to a crowd of 200 about taking care of yourself and being aware of friends and family around you.

Amanda Jordan and Marcia Paurini from the Taranaki Rural Support Trust were stoked to have Todd Energy supporting the event and celebrating this new local partnership benefitting our rural communities.

If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more about Taranaki Rural Support Trust and the services it provides, please visit the Trust's website. 

Taranaki Rural Support Trust
Weaving Wellbeing


Whātuia te Waiora Weaving Wellbeing for our tamariki

Todd Energy is a proud supporter of Hato Hone St John's Whātuia te Waiora Weaving Wellbeing programme, designed to help young New Zealanders to understand their strengths and emotions, develop resilience and confidence, and weave positivity into their daily lives. 

In Term 1 this year, the programme was delivered to more than 430 tamariki from Devon Intermediate and Highlands Intermediate schools with partnership support from Todd Energy. In term 2, the programme will be delivered to a further 270 Highlands Intermediate school students. 

To find out more about the Whātuia te Waiora Weaving Wellbeing programme, please visit the Hato Hone St John website.

Whātuia te Waiora - Weaving Wellbeing
Huirangi School's market


Sharing our progress on sustainability

The 2023 Sustainable Development Report is Todd’s third publicly available Sustainable Development Report, and looks at the progress we’ve made toward our collective commitment to making a positive contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand’s energy transition while fostering social and economic improvement that preserves our local environment and promotes opportunity and equality.

You can read about some of Todd Energy’s 2023 highlights in the report below, including delivering enhanced economic opportunities for tangata whenua, supporting the community to reduce energy hardship, empowering tamariki to grow and plant natives, and undertaking various pest reduction initiatives across the Taranaki region.

Todd's 2023 Sustainable Development Report